Discover Our Exceptional Services

Embark on a journey of unparalleled potential with us. Every successful commercial endeavor starts with a vision. Let us help you transform that vision into reality. Whether you are launching a new business, upgrading an existing one, or seeking to expand your horizons, our expert brokers are here to secure the best utility contracts for you.

Rest assured that our professionalism and dedication will set your business apart in a sea of competitors. Join forces with us to elevate your success in the commercial realm.

Procurement and Contract Management

  • We have access to the whole market and are able to offer bespoke, standard fixed, fully fixed, pass through, energy only, basket and flexible pricing on contracts out to the end of curve (as far into the future as the supplier allows). We take our clients through an identification process and assess their appetite for risk in price fluctuations, this helps determine the best type of contract structure to suit their business needs. We are very flexible towards our client’s requirements and we will guide, educate and advise our clients as a standard practice.

  • We offer full gas procurement services, which also include a whole of market approach and various contract options. Similar to our approach with electricity, we will take our clients through our internal process to understand what type of contract will work best for their business.

  • The water market was deregulated in 2017, allowing clients to choose their water supplier in the same way as choosing your electricity supplier. Guiding clients through this field with our expertise offers more cost savings and is simple and flexible. Full Power provides the service, support and implementation to give smooth, professional execution.

  • For you as our client we will generate the correct contract paperwork for you for the chosen supplier, ensure that it is perfectly prepared, send it to you for signing then submit it on your behalf to the supplier you selected. We will then track and ‘lock in’ your deal. We check the contract goes live on the correct date for every single meter and then during the term we monitor the contract and take all the problem solving from you with our included support. Finally, well in advance of the end date, we continue to support you as we review and prepare your next contract, ensuring that it will run consecutively and seamlessly. Full Power is your trusted energy partner, we know clients have differing needs and we treat you individually, making your life smooth and freeing you to concentrate on your work.

  • We are a specialist in multi-site portfolios, which require extra management as they are a quite intricate and require full analysis. They tend to need one common end date for the entire portfolio, perhaps bespoke payment terms, universal prices and fixed or flexible price structures. All of these are within our skill set and more besides.

  • Non-renewable energy comes from sources that are finite and cannot be naturally replenished in a human timescale i.e. coal, oil, natural gas. Renewable energy covers all electricity generated from sources that can be either by spontaneous generation like wind, solar, hydro or geothermal power, or generated from sources that can be renewed naturally and quickly, such as biomass, biogas and wood pellet. Under the heading of renewable electricity, Green power is very specific and only generated from resources with a zero or near-zero carbon footprint, such as solar, wind, and geothermal. There is a growing market for power from true green sources and there are suppliers that specialise in that area of the market. In some cases there is no price difference. If this is relevant, and especially if you value Corporate Social Responsibility credentials(CSR)

    • Business Phone Systems

    • Business Lines and calls

    • Fibre Broadband

    • Leased Lines

Property Management

  • We have been providing energy procurement and consultancy services to property management companies for many years. We service large multi-tenanted industrial units, office complexes and shopping centres for our property management clients, as well as assisting the managing agents with their residential blocks.

  • Energy administration for landlords can take up a considerable amount of time and effort and we recognize that our expertise in handling both the energy procurement process and meeting day-to-day service requirements is essential and allows our clients to be focused on running their business. We can become the energy arm of the business which is vital to a landlord.

  • Tenant recharging is one of the services Full Power provide for landlords and managing agents to help them reclaim the utilities costs in multi-let, multi tenanted premises. Tenant utility billing has proven difficult for landlords and managing agents looking to accurately and fairly recharge tenants however we have a team of experts on-hand to assist with your sites. Our tenant billing service provides a solution for landlords, managing agents and businesses with multi-let and multi-tenanted buildings to reclaim energy costs.

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